We are experiencing unprecedented demand for booking enquiries. Although the service requires 3 weeks’ notice for any booking enquiry, over the last two years whilst booking volumes were low, booking enquiry requests have been responded with less than 3 weeks’ notice. The current volume means that it is no longer possible to respond to enquiries at short notice, so booking enquiries will only be responded to where the travel date is more than 3 weeks ahead.

For the foreseeable future, we will not be able to offer an enquiry service by telephone. Please submit your enquiry using the Journey Request form below.  Please could you ensure that if you require a return or multiple legs in journey that you request it on the same form.  Please do not submit multiple requests for the same journey.

All queries will be responded to but please note that International Rail will always prioritise enquiries with the closest travel dates, so if your enquiry is for travel in several weeks’ time, you may need to wait up to 7 days before you hear back from us.

Please note: if you and your dependants have safeguarded status, please mention that in the notes field at the bottom of the form below.

Tell us more about your trip

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Journey Request Form

Please complete the form below with as much detail as possible for your required journey and one of our agents will come back to you with the details and a quotation. Should there be more than one FIP card holder on the booking please add this detail in the “Special instructions” field at the bottom.
Number of adults
Number of children
Number of youths
Number of seniors

1st journey (European timetable)


Here at International Rail Ltd we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account/order and provide the products and services you have requested from us. Please tick to accept and to go forward with your request.

From time to time we would like to contact you with details of other offers and/or services we provide. If you consent to us contacting you for this purpose please tick the box.

* Please complete all mandatory fields.

FIP travel

We'd like to specify that this site is only for the booking of your FIP train journeys. For anything related to your entitlement to book FIP Fares or administration thereof, please go to the Rail Staff Travel site by clicking here.

As Rail Staff it is your responsibility to ensure that you are travelling with a valid FIP card or coupon.  Failure to do so may result in you being asked to leave the train and you may also be asked to pay a penalty fare.

PLEASE NOTE: we only issue FIP fares for active and retired members of UK rail staff.